Solution for blind synthesis

Concentrator 24 inputs 12F + 12 Specific faults for the entire Iconecs range or for any modular assembly. This system, associated with a CMS01 summary card, allows the summary of 24 to 738 information to be transmitted in the form of 2 contacts: 1 for positions and 1 for faults.
Dimensions :
- From the CMS01 box: modular box 54 x 90 x 58 (6 steps).
- Of the CT24E01 concentrator: isolated mounting 330 x 20 x 60 (excluding fixing) or dimension of the Iconec serving as a support.
Features :
- 12 tracks on CDF plug-in connectors.
- Each CT24E must be configured to indicate the number of inputs used: micro switches 1 to 4 (binary code).
- Configuration of the fault signal, either SD or SD: micro switch 6.
- Position summary output: 1 dry changeover contact 250V / 10A.
- Fault summary output: 1 dry changeover contact 250V / 10A.
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